Monday, February 20, 2012

Obama's disregard for authority

We just listened to a Fox report about Obama's recent dictate for the provision of birth control for all.  At public cost!  No authority to make that edict.  So, what I want to know is if it is not within his authority to make this decision why is there not a backlash - a legal backlash by those from whom that authority would have to come.  Why does no one DO anything about it?  To do a thing without legal authority means the act is illegal.  Is that a wrong conclusion?  Now, I am listening to an "unlicenced Glock"in the pocket of the first hand man of David Brock - now committed to a "quiet room".  (Daily Caller, Tucker Carlson)  So it is known that the man carries and unlicensed gun and nothing is done about that?

Monday, February 13, 2012

Saturday, February 11, 2012

For the first time in my 69 years I have been watching the CPAC over the internet, thanks to the  THANK YOU!  I have looked at a few conservative blogs in the past and been impressed, but today (Saturday) they are presenting wonderful bloggers who are very encouraging.  So, just for my own satisfaction politics is going to be the main thrust of this blog.  I am so  impressed with the conservative youth who put the lie to the uninvolved, uninformed state of the youth today.  Fifty five percent of the thousands of attendees at the CPAC are under 25!!!!  I would never have guessed that.  It scares me to think what percent are over 65.  Those young people are the future of this country but it all matters very much to my age group as well.  Personally, and perhaps it is not such an uncommon view, that we do not want to pass from this scene leaving our wonderful country in a steep slide to socialism.  I will have little effect with what I say here but I will say it.  I hear cranky old people are taking America back.  I want to be one of them.